“Parent” is the singular form of “parents,” which refers to a mother or father of a child. “Parents” is the plural form, which refers to two or more individuals who are the mother and/or father of a child.
- “Our goal and vision is to help ease that process while providing resources, student stories, opportunities for involvement and a parent support network.”
- “Tax information for parents, including tax credit for children and other dependents, Earned Income Tax Credit and tax benefits for education.”
1,520,000,000 examples found
The Parent to Parent Support Programs provide emotional support and information to families of children with developmental disabilities, delays, and special health care needs.
You may be able to claim this credit if you cared for an elderly parent. Your parent does not have to live with you.
As a parent or guardian of a student attending a our school, you have online access to your child or children’s courses, grades, attendance, discipline, and academic history.
As a parent, you may have questions and concerns about your child’s needs or your own feelings and may not know anyone in a similar situation.
Parents have the right to participate in individualized education program (IEP) meetings about the special education eligibility, assessment, educational placement of their child and other matters relating to their child’s free appropriate public education (FAPE).
Stories and tips for parents raising healthy kids.
You will find information designed for you, our parents with currently enrolled students.
We understand that parents are a part of their student’s college search.
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